Is Manufacturing a dirty word to our next generation of manufacturing leaders?

According to industry research, just 6% of UK 16 – 23 years olds will consider a career in manufacturing. With this in mind, I often ponder what is the key to manufacturing careers once again finding favour among the UK’s next leaders in our industry?

Parents, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Businesses and Government collectively all have a role to play in making sure Manufacturing in this country continues to shake off it’s tarnished, antiquated image with the younger generation.

I wonder how many of these 16-23 year olds know that Manufacturing in the UK accounts for the employment of 2.7 million employees, earning an average salary of £32,467? Or that it accounts for 10% of UK output and 45% of export? (Totalling £275 billion).

The UK is the NINTH largest manufacturing nation in the WORLD

Our advancement within R&D and technology is renowned across the world.

We only have to look at the world of Dyson or Formula One; just a couple of our more well-known manufacturing world leaders. Technology is what the next generation of leaders are keenly interested in. Our job is to educate them about the rise in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Internet of Thing (IoT) and Industry 4.0 within Engineering and Manufacturing. This shouldn’t be thought of as just for the tech sector… it is sexy in Manufacturing too!

Entering todays manufacturing industry would get them ahead of the curve. If they chose to specialise in this sector as apposed to their peers going down the gaming and IT route, there would also be less competition for the best jobs maybe?

‘MADE IN THE UK’ is a GLOBAL sign of quality…. that’s a fact, not a slogan or gimmick.

We are a great Nation of innovators, inventors and manufacturers and with modern digital technology clicking at our heels, it’s even more enticing…… the next generation of leaders just don’t know it yet. Think we should start joining the dots and start telling them, don’t you?

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