Don’t let yesterday’s logic be your Achilles heel

The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence, it is to act with yesterday’s logic.

While for years we’ve been hearing about a tough talent market, this year, we’ve reached a tipping point.

With more open jobs than people to fill them and the market at near full employment, recruiters have been forced to leave the old school behind and try new things.

So us recruiters are getting creative, finding new ways to reach candidates. Some are having to reevaluating what success looks like today, with quality hires and retention rates becoming a higher priority than time and cost-per-hire.

Specialisms make all the difference

This is where specialists come into their own. Knowledge of the key players in the industry, passive talent and where they are hiding, understanding drivers of both companies and individuals, the time and ability to deep dive into the sector.

Specialists hone their market sector knowledge, they create an evolving picture of what is going on around them so that they can plan and make sure their clients are ahead of the curve.

In part, they have to remove yesterday’s logic because it no longer works as well as it did in such a rapidly changing world. They ‘have’ to be more innovative and are more finely tuned consultants.

Technology in Manufacturing and Engineering

Industry 4.0 is upon us and it opens up so many doors to our Engineering and Manufacturing industry.

However, the technology moves so fast that businesses don’t always have the time or capacity to follow/understand ever emerging trends until they’re sat on top of them.

Specialists can be there to pick up the slack and help their clients capitalise on the knowledge they have of their chosen niche.

Human to Human

When I say ‘clients,’ it can be easy to forget that as a recruiter, I am in a very unique position. Why? Because there are very few other industries where we are considered to be both B2B (where we sell our services to companies) and also B2C (where we have to be able to sell to consumers too. In my case, candidates).

The capacity to service both is different every time and that’s why what I do as a recruiter is so unique. What we cannot forget is that we are still working ‘human to human’ and we all share many of the same triggers.

So, I ask myself this; “How do I create an intimate relationship with the people I am working with so that I can service them on a higher level?”

Yesterdays logic

I try not to act with yesterday’s logic. Of course I use it to my advantage (which in turn is to the advantage of my clients).

But, I also know my industry, know my clients (both sets), know where to look and what for, am always seeking out better, more advantageous ways to support and educate them, guide them and share with them.

I am constantly looking at ways to service clients at a higher level and never lose sight of what I am worth to the companies and clients that appreciate this in times of scarcity of high calibre human capital.

When times are turbulent, balanced ground becomes the safest place to be.

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